www.infowars.com Google and other powerful forces are testing the limits of Internet censorship on all conceivable fronts. Not only is content filtering taking place at a national and regional level, first in places like China, and now Australia, but policies limiting individual speech agreed upon at the corporate level and above are placed upon individuals. Thus web participation is subject to a set of criteria. Vague terms like "anti" and "violence" have been used to block sites like Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, though no specific complaint or 'charge' has been declared. In this case, Google's merchant policies have black listed Alex Jones and other outlets like him for unjustified reasons. Its abuses may be partially cloaked behind its distinctions as a private business, but Google, expanding its domination of the web every day, has spread out and now controls many actions of individuals. Watch the video, and join Alex in fighting back against the incremental approach to control and censor the Internet. Keep the Internet free, and support the websites dedicated to exposing abuses and working towards free access, privacy and the uncontrolled flow of information, alternative news and communication.